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The American Association of Environmental Medicine, together with a number of European regulatory organisations, have all issued strong precautionary warnings requiring the reduction or elimination of microwave radiation around children. Modern families have a number of wireless devices around children. These include home broadband WIFI routers, mobile phones, baby monitors, Wireless laptops and tablets.There are four ways of reducing or eliminating exposure to electromagnetic radiation fields:

Working Safely with Wireless Technology

providing solutions for safer technology Safety for Children  Banner with EM wave pic •	Numerous scientific studies indicate that children are up to four times more vulnerable to the effect of microwave radiation than adults. MRI scans have shown clear differences in depth penetration and tissue heating of brain tissue in a child’s brain, as compared to an adult head. Because children are rapidly growing and their DNA replication processes are working at full speed, the introduction of DNA errors or damage during this process is particularly dangerous. •	The most effective ways of reducing the exposure of children to wireless signals is to turn off the device. Especially during the night, when the child’s body is undertaking growth and repair cycles. •	If a child has a mobile device, teach them to keep it in Flight mode, and only to come out of Flight mode when they need to call their parents or friends. Also, never to use it against their head. Instead use speaker mode, type messages via the chat programs, or for long, private conversations, purchase a wired (not a Bluetooth) headset.  •	Air tube headsets are best and virtually 100% safe from radiation transmission. Teach them to keep the phone away from their bodies at all times.  •	Some companies are producing RF shielded cases which reduce radiation exposure by up to 86 percent.  •	Never sleep with a mobile phone under the pillow in active mode. This has been associated in a number of studies with severe health side effects. Always put the phone in Flight mode with wireless off, when going to sleep. Ideally, don’t charge it right next to the bed, but on a table further from the bed. •	If a child has an iPad, show them how to keep it in Flight mode with Wireless in the off position.  •	Find games and tools on the iPad which can operate offline (ie. Without a wireless connection). When they do need to go online, show them how to go online, synchronise, and then come offline. •	At the most a child should only be online (microwave radiation active) for a maximum of thirty minutes in a 24 hour cycle. •	Exposure levels drop off rapidly with distance, so it is much better to keep the iPad at arms’ length, on a stand on a table, than on your lap. This will also significantly reduce the EM exposure from the device. •	For children’s laptops, ideally have them only use the laptop in a common family area, on a wired connection, with the wifi transmitter turned off. •	If they need to work in their bedrooms, install pass through connectors in the house (these are devices that plug into the electricity sockets) and then create a virtual network over the electrical circuit from the router to the bedroom area. Make sure the wifi function is switched off on the pass through connector and the laptop. •	Devolo make a good range of these connectors. They also have higher transmission speeds than wifi. •	If the home has a wireless router, keep it in the off position (wall power switch is the most effective) and only switch it on when someone needs to make a connection.  •	Have a procedure to ensure that the wireless router is definitely switched off in the evening when people go to bed. Also locate it as far as possible from any living or sleeping areas.  •	The average wireless router has a spherical hot spot around it of between 3 and 6 meters, depending on the strength of its signal, which exceeds the latest safety recommendations. Category	Action	Explanation  Category 1 Switch off all devices. This is the safest category. Any device that is switched off  is not transmitting and therefore the safest. This is not  necessarily the most practical, but basically when you are  not using your devices like mobile phones, WIFI router or  tablet - switch it off. Category 2 Add distance between yourself  and the transmitting device. Field strength drops off rapidly with increased distance.  For every one unit of distance you add, field strength  drops off twice as much. Category 3 Install shielding products which either absorb and neutralise the EM  field, or bounce (reflect) it away. Shielding products like RF blocking paint or RF blocking  window film or curtains reduce EM penetration by up to  98 percent. Google Plus logo
Wireless Tech Safety Twitter logo Facebook logo Safety for Children  Banner with EM wave pic providing solutions for safer technology Google plus logo •	Numerous scientific studies indicate that children are up to four times more vulnerable to the effect of microwave radiation than adults. MRI scans have shown clear differences in depth penetration and tissue heating of brain tissue in a child’s brain, as compared to an adult head. Because children are rapidly growing and their DNA replication processes are working at full speed, the introduction of DNA errors or damage during this process is particularly dangerous. •	The most effective ways of reducing the exposure of children to wireless signals is to turn off the device. Especially during the night, when the child’s body is undertaking growth and repair cycles. •	If a child has a mobile device, teach them to keep it in Flight mode, and only to come out of Flight mode when they need to call their parents or friends. Also, never to use it against their head. Instead use speaker mode, type messages via the chat programs, or for long, private conversations, purchase a wired (not a Bluetooth) headset.  •	Air tube headsets are best and virtually 100% safe from radiation transmission. Teach them to keep the phone away from their bodies at all times.  •	Some companies are producing RF shielded cases which reduce radiation exposure by up to 86 percent.  •	Never sleep with a mobile phone under the pillow in active mode. This has been associated in a number of studies with severe health side effects. Always put the phone in Flight mode with wireless off, when going to sleep. Ideally, don’t charge it right next to the bed, but on a table further from the bed. •	If a child has an iPad, show them how to keep it in Flight mode with Wireless in the off position.  •	Find games and tools on the iPad which can operate offline (ie. Without a wireless connection). When they do need to go online, show them how to go online, synchronise, and then come offline. •	At the most a child should only be online (microwave radiation active) for a maximum of thirty minutes in a 24 hour cycle. •	Exposure levels drop off rapidly with distance, so it is much better to keep the iPad at arms’ length, on a stand on a table, than on your lap. This will also significantly reduce the EM exposure from the device. •	For children’s laptops, ideally have them only use the laptop in a common family area, on a wired connection, with the wifi transmitter turned off. •	If they need to work in their bedrooms, install pass through connectors in the house (these are devices that plug into the electricity sockets) and then create a virtual network over the electrical circuit from the router to the bedroom area. Make sure the wifi function is switched off on the pass through connector and the laptop. •	Devolo make a good range of these connectors. They also have higher transmission speeds than wifi. •	If the home has a wireless router, keep it in the off position (wall power switch is the most effective) and only switch it on when someone needs to make a connection.  •	Have a procedure to ensure that the wireless router is definitely switched off in the evening when people go to bed. Also locate it as far as possible from any living or sleeping areas.  •	The average wireless router has a spherical hot spot around it of between 3 and 6 meters, depending on the strength of its signal, which exceeds the latest safety recommendations. Category	Action	Explanation  Category 1 Switch off all devices. Category 2 Category 3 This is the safest category. Any device that is switched off is not transmitting and therefore the safest. This is not necessarily the most practical, but basically when you are not using your devices like mobile phones, WIFI router or tablet - switch it off. Field strength drops off rapidly with increased distance. For every one unit of distance you add, field strength drops off twice as much. Shielding products like RF blocking paint or RF blocking window film or curtains reduce EM penetration by up to 98 percent. Add distance between yourself and the transmitting device. Install shielding products which either absorb and neutralise the EM field, or bounce (reflect) it away.
The American Association of Environmental Medicine, together with a number of European regulatory organisations, have all issued strong precautionary warnings requiring the reduction or elimination of microwave radiation around children. Modern families have a number of wireless devices around children. These include home broadband WIFI routers, mobile phones, baby monitors, Wireless laptops and tablets.There are four ways of reducing or eliminating exposure to electromagnetic radiation fields:

Working Safely with Wireless Technology

© Brett West 2013 - 2014 Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited.   Sitemap
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© Brett West 2014 - 2016 Permission granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only. Commercial copying, hiring, lending is prohibited.  Sitemap
Wireless Tech Safety Twitter Logo Facebook logo Safety for Children  Banner with EM wave pic
The American Association of Environmental Medicine, together with a number of European regulatory organisations, have all issued strong precautionary warnings requiring the reduction or elimination of microwave radiation around children. Modern families have a number of wireless devices around children. These include home broadband WIFI routers, mobile phones, baby monitors, Wireless laptops and tablets.There are four ways of reducing or eliminating exposure to electromagnetic radiation fields:
providing solutions for safer technology

Working Safely with Wireless Technology

Google Plus logo MENU Category	Action	Explanation  Category 1 Switch off all devices. This is the safest category. Any device that is switched off is not transmitting and therefore the safest. This is not  necessarily the most practical, but basically when you are not using your devices like mobile phones, WIFI router or  tablet - switch it off. Category 2 Add distance between yourself and the transmitting device. Field strength drops off rapidly with increased distance. For every one unit of distance you add, field strength  drops off twice as much. Category 3 Shielding products like RF blocking paint or RF blocking window film or curtains reduce EM penetration by up to  98 percent. Install shielding products which either absorb and neutralise the EM field, or bounce (reflect) it away. •	Numerous scientific studies indicate that children are up to four times more vulnerable to the effect of microwave radiation than adults. MRI scans have shown clear differences in depth penetration and tissue heating of brain tissue in a child’s brain, as compared to an adult head. Because children are rapidly growing and their DNA replication processes are working at full speed, the introduction of DNA errors or damage during this process is particularly dangerous. •	The most effective ways of reducing the exposure of children to wireless signals is to turn off the device. Especially during the night, when the child’s body is undertaking growth and repair cycles. •	If a child has a mobile device, teach them to keep it in Flight mode, and only to come out of Flight mode when they need to call their parents or friends. Also, never to use it against their head. Instead use speaker mode, type messages via the chat programs, or for long, private conversations, purchase a wired (not a Bluetooth) headset.  •	Air tube headsets are best and virtually 100% safe from radiation transmission. Teach them to keep the phone away from their bodies at all times.  •	Some companies are producing RF shielded cases which reduce radiation exposure by up to 86 percent.  •	Never sleep with a mobile phone under the pillow in active mode. This has been associated in a number of studies with severe health side effects. Always put the phone in Flight mode with wireless off, when going to sleep. Ideally, don’t charge it right next to the bed, but on a table further from the bed. •	If a child has an iPad, show them how to keep it in Flight mode with Wireless in the off position.  •	Find games and tools on the iPad which can operate offline (ie. Without a wireless connection). When they do need to go online, show them how to go online, synchronise, and then come offline. •	At the most a child should only be online (microwave radiation active) for a maximum of thirty minutes in a 24 hour cycle. •	Exposure levels drop off rapidly with distance, so it is much better to keep the iPad at arms’ length, on a stand on a table, than on your lap. This will also significantly reduce the EM exposure from the device. •	For children’s laptops, ideally have them only use the laptop in a common family area, on a wired connection, with the wifi transmitter turned off. •	If they need to work in their bedrooms, install pass through connectors in the house (these are devices that plug into the electricity sockets) and then create a virtual network over the electrical circuit from the router to the bedroom area. Make sure the wifi function is switched off on the pass through connector and the laptop. •	Devolo make a good range of these connectors. They also have higher transmission speeds than wifi. •	If the home has a wireless router, keep it in the off position (wall power switch is the most effective) and only switch it on when someone needs to make a connection.  •	Have a procedure to ensure that the wireless router is definitely switched off in the evening when people go to bed. Also locate it as far as possible from any living or sleeping areas.  •	The average wireless router has a spherical hot spot around it of between 3 and 6 meters, depending on the strength of its signal, which exceeds the latest safety recommendations. Google Plus logo
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